TOPIC: Victory over the Flesh (Part 2) – Subduing The Flesh.

TEXT: 1 Cor. 9:27.

The flesh has been defeated in Christ already. However, that defeat has to be effected practically in our daily lives (Gal. 5:24-25). See! Everything that has been accomplished for us positionally in salvation must be effected experiencially in our lives. What has been done positionally requires our faith based actions. This is how it works even when it comes to the flesh matters. If it has not been accomplished positionally, it cannot be effected experientially no matter what you do. So what has been accomplished positionally is the platform to effect it experiencially. The flesh has been defeated when Christ died and rose again, that’s why we can and must leverage on that revelation to engage certain faith based actions to effect it in our lives daily. Some of the practices that put our flesh under are:

  1. Give yourself to self examination: Self examination in this wise doesn’t mean lookinginward to yourself andconcluding on yourself that you are no good. That is demonic. It means allowing the light of God’s word to shine into your heart and show you things you need to do something about. This is done under the illumination and guidance of the spirit as you fellowship with Him. Don’t let Satan confuse this with self guilt and pity. The Holy Spirit will show you what you need to adjust in your life and when He does, respond immediately and your flesh I’ll lose control in that area of your life.
  • Never live in denial: The Holy Spirit knows the weakness of your flesh even before you because aware of it, and He has loved you inspite of it. The love of men is “because of” while the love of God is “inspite of it”. But He hates it when you are in denial of the obvious. Conviction and repentance weakens the hold of your flesh on you while denial strengthens it in your life. When you live in denial, you lose God’s help. Own up to your weakness before God and even men where necessary (Heb. 4:15-16, James 5:16), this helps you to open to divine help every time.
  • Give yourself to meditation: Meditating on the word constantly has a converting power that transforms your mind. Remember we already saw that the flesh is a mindset that opposes God’s principles. Habitual meditation in the word renews your mind and programmes it towards godliness (Rom. 12:1-2, James 1:21-211). Until you meditate on the word, you cannot do the word because it takes the Spirit of the word to do the word, and that is what meditation will bring into you.
  • Do the word in little matters: Many times, it is not the so called big issues that prove our spirituality or carnality, but the little matters of daily living. Make it a practice of doing what the word says rather than flowing with the opinions of men. It can even be against your own personal idea, yes, but if that is what the word says, do it. The more you do this, the more your flesh will be dealt with until sooner or later, your spirit man is completely in charge of your life.
  • Discipline yourself to engage in spiritual exercise: There are certain exercises of spiritual benefits to us like fasting, prayer, faith, confessions etc. Train yourself to always engage them. The keyword is discipline because the very flesh will fight you not to do them (1 Tim. 4:7-8). The bible tells us to exercise ourselves into godliness. The flesh cannot allow you to be godly, that’s why you exercise, train yourself in spiritual things in order to strengthen your inner man.

Ponder on this

The power of change is not man’s, but God’s. You can’t change your bad character by yourself, you don’t have that power inherent in you. God is the one that has the power to change you. That power to change your bad character is ignited by your humility and acknowledgement of your wrong anytime you miss it. Anytime you act wrong and you genuinely acknowledge it, the power for change is ignited in you and starts working such that sooner or later, that character flaw is overcome by you. But when you refuse to acknowledge your wrong, that power remains inactive in you and your errors and character flaw remains in you until it becomes a deformity in your personality. This is what the devil will show up to use later against you because he will. This counsel is fully encapsulated in John 1:8-10, Prov.1:23.

Be wise, put your flesh in check now so it will not become the slippery ground for your downfall later in life. God bless you.

Points to Note

  1. The flesh has been defeated in Christ, but it has to be effected in our daily living.
  2. Self examination is to be done under the light and guidance of the spirit.
  3. Living in denial will strengthen your flesh ultimately and shut out the help of God in your life.
  4. The power of change works in you when you sincerely acknowledge your wrong and own up to it.


Lord, I receive the grace to give myself continuously to your word so my life will conform to your will for my life. I reject every form of pride and strong headedness in my life as my heart is yielded to your guidance in Jesus’ Name.

Questions for Meditation

  1. What does our positional status in Christ require of us, and what does our experiential reality require of us?
  2. Self examination is not to be confused with self pity and guilt. Explain?
  3. Why do character flaws remain undealth with in us?   

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