Motto: ''Go ye therefore and teach all Nations''

CDS is the theological teaching and training arm of Christ’s Chosen Church of God International, The seminary stands firmly on the divinely inspired, infallible word of the Holy Scriptures: Old and New Testament and their relevance in our time as the final authority of all doctrinces, faith and practice. Its Policies and purposes are based on Jesus Christ as our central focus and his word as our final authority. The CDS strives to inculcate real life training in students through an in-plant practical input at the college and through an industrial attachement programme where students are given wider exposure at the field level to gather qualitative experience. CDS is trans-denominational in her admission policy and the courses studied are designed to meet the intellectual and spiritual demand of its students.

The Christ’s Disciples Seminary offer Basic certifcate courses, Diploma and Bachelors program in Theology and church management.
The institution constitutes of three councils which are the Presidential Council, Acedemic council and the Faculty.


The CDS has a presidential council made up of the president who is the General Overseer of Christ’s Chosen Church of God, the Church’s 1st Vice and the 2nd Vice chairman of church council. They provide the framework for effective running of the seminary. All appointments into the acedemic board of the seminary are made by the President.


 The CDS Academic Board is an administrative and advisory body which meets from time to time to review the school’s progress and offer direction or guidance in the day to day running of the institution. The board consist of the following memeners:
i. Executive Director and Board chairman
ii. Rector
iii. Registrar/Secretary
iv. Deputy Registrar/Housemaster


CDS Faculty members are drawn from the best theological schools. They are spiritual and intellectual experts, selected in their specialized areas. Each man in the faculty combines outstanding record of research activities with teaching skills that stimulates the participants understanding, judgement and skills building. They are professionals with wealth of experiences in secular education and with constant touch with theological world.