The attachment of Paul’s name-Apostle of Jesus Christ- is instructive. It means he was aware that he was the servant of God sent out to the people of God.
Every servant is predestined to fulfill his calling.
John 10:1 tells us that the servant of God enters through the door- Jesus Christ- and is admitted as a shepherd of the people. He is recognised by the sheep and he calls his flocks by their own name. They answer him because they recognise his voice.
Anyone who is a thief , robber or a hireling is not a servant of God.
The shepherd is a servant of God because he careth for his own sheep. Whereas the latter are vandals who scatter the church, making the sheep to run away.
As we settle to examine ourselves, let us live a life of transparent honesty and be father indeed to all. We must remember that we are Ambassadors of Jesus Christ, doing His works.
Servants of God are adopted children whose sins are forgiven, operating with the Grace of God who called us. His mysteries are shown to all his servants knowing fully well that we have an inheritance in Him.
Servants of God must preach the word of truth and the gospel of salvation under the auspices of the holy spirit.
Finally let the world recognise you as he bears you witness with signs and wonders.
Till I come your way next week, by God’s grace, stay refreshed in His Presence.


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