WEEK 6 TOPIC: The Nature of Man (Part 2) – Facts About The Human Spirit (Contd) TEXT: Gen. 1:26-27. The human spirit is creative: Since God created man in His image and likeness, His creative attribute is resident in…
WEEK 5 TOPIC: The Nature of Man – The Human Spirit TEXT: Gen. 1:26-27 Man is an eternal being, he is created in God’s class. When God said to make man in His image, it means man will look…
WEEK 4 TOPIC: Your Mindset (Part 2) – Factors That Shapen Your Mind TEXT: Rom. 12:2. As we have already seen, your mindset is the way you reason and approach life generally. This reasoning system does not just happen…
WEEK 3 TOPIC: Your Mindset TEXT: Prov. 23:7, Rom. 12:2. Man is an excellent creature of God. His makeup reveals the uniqueness of God’s dream for him on the earth. The Bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made…
WEEK 2 TOPIC: Covid-19 And the Church The world witnessed the outbreak of a deadly virus last year and it is still ongoing in several countries now. The Covid-19 came as a shock to many till today, nations are…
WEEK 1 TOPIC: A New Beginning TEXT: Gen 1:1 Happy New Year all and welcome to 2021. This year is one that is filled with many great things God has for us. The Whole world went through a terrible…
The attachment of Paul’s name-Apostle of Jesus Christ- is instructive. It means he was aware that he was the servant of God sent out to the people of God. Every servant is predestined to fulfill his calling. John 10:1…
Revival is a period of regeneration and growth.When ministers are sanitized, the Church and members will also be sanitized. All christians must do their own bits, developing themselves and the church for the good of all.Let us work in unity,…
As Christians, we should always remember that God knows all we go through, and he’s aware of the troubles and tribulation, he has not forgotten you no matter what you are passing through, the ways of men are not…
God assures us that in our journey of life that He will guide and support us in His righteousness. As Covenant Children, He promises that we shall become a light to attract nations to the Lord. He says He…