TOPIC: A New Beginning

TEXT:  Gen 1:1

Happy New Year all and welcome to 2021. This year is one that is filled with many great things God has for us. The Whole world went through a terrible pandemic last year and it is still ravaging many till now. The truth is this virus was created by wicked men inspired by the devil to destroy lives, obliterate church and enthrone Satanism on earth. It was a template the kingdom of darkness wanted to use to establish the government of the anti-Christ ahead of his time in prophetic calendar. But thank God believers rose up in intercession and warfare thereby restraining the forces of wickedness for completely taking over the earth. The truth is we believers are in charge and we will determine the course of things through the authority of Jesus until we depart this present world at the appearing of our Lord in the air. (1 Thess. 4:15-17).

This is, however, a wake up call to all that the time we have left to influence the world with gospel is short. In a matter of few years from now, the church will be raptured out of this world. There is no sign for the rapture, it can happen any time from now because the rapture itself is a major sign to the world that the return of Jesus to the earth to begin the millennial reign is at the door. Therefore, we have to awake out of slumber, refire of God and get about doing the Master’s will as we journey towards the departure of the church.

This year, 2021 affords us the opportunity to begin afresh with God, especially for those who went cold because of the events of lockdown of churches last year. There is something about a beginning, it is the best time to get things together and determine how the journey will look like. The smallness of the beginning notwithstanding, the beginning is important because that is where matters are determined and things are shaped.

Begin Properly

The bible says, though the beginning be small, thy latter and end will greatly increase (Job 8:7). That means the beginning may not be big, but there is a guarantee of a great ending when God is involved. The truth is most divine visions start small just as every new born baby comes out of the womb small and few years later, that little baby is now taller than his father. But it’s important we know that though the beginning may be small, it must be proper, accurate and on a right footing.

Any beginning that is not properly done will affect the end negatively unless it is corrected. No matter the magnificence of the edifice, if the foundation is erroneous, that building will collapse eventually. That’s why every experienced builder pays real attention to the foundation stage of a building.

The year is like a building and this is the foundation. Get your direction clear, facts accurate, determination in place, team ready etc, and you are good to go. Don’t start on the path of sin, laziness and all other vices as it will affect your year negatively. Though your beginning is small, let it be proper and accurate, then you can build on the rest of the year and expect a great end.

Begin with God

In Gen. 1:1, the bible says “In the beginning, God…”. The very first verse of the bible already has God in the picture. This speaks volume as to the place God holds in every endeavour that must succeed. Don’t just begin or begin or begin properly, begin with God in the picture. Make God your foundation factor for the year. In all your ways, acknowledge God and He shall direct your paths – says the scriptures (prov.3:6). When you don’t acknowledge God, your path will not be directed by Him, and the best place and time to acknowledge God is at the beginning. Be wise and get God involved now before you begin your sail into the year.

Remember it is what God begins that He is committed to ensuring its successful ending.

To involve God in your year

  1. Spend quality time in the word habitually
  2. Spend quality time praying and worshipping
  3. Give priority to the gathering of believers in all formats
  4. Engage yourself in kingdom activities as revealed to us in scriptures
  5. Be a giver to God and to humanity.

As you do these, your beginning will be on solid footing and you are sure guaranteed a glorious year all through. God bless you.

Points to Note

  1. The beginning of anything matters a lot and will affect the course of that thing.
  2. It is not enough to begin small, you must also begin properly
  3. Involving God in your beginning puts your journey on a solid footing.


In Jesus’ Name, I pray that the year 2021 be ordered in consonance with God’s programme for my life. I begin this year by the power of the Spirit and declare that my year is full of glory.

Questions for Meditation

  1. What lessons are you taking into this year in view of what the world experienced in 2020?
  2. Why is it important how you begin the year?
  3. Beginning with God in the picture is crucial to any endeavour. Discuss.

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