TOPIC: The Power of Information (Part 2) – The importance of Information.

TEXT: Hosea 4:6, Isaiah 5:13.

We started looking at the power of information and how it can affect our lives. There are reasons why information is important to our life and an understanding of them will help us to take this subject serious. In this lesson, we will look at some reasons why you must not downplay the power of information in your life.

  1. It Delivers from Manipulation: Manipulation is a tool in the hands of evil and deceptive people. The ignorant is easily manipulated whether he wants it or not. Information delivers a man from manipulation. There are manipulations going on in life and they can even spiritualize it sometimes. Superstitions, baseless traditions are all products of manipulations and are programmed to keep people on the spot. Manipulators hate men that go for information because they know it will make them lose their grip on them. If you don’t want to be deceived and manipulated in life, you better go for information. This is what threw the whole world into the Dark Age in church history. The then Roman Catholic leaders removed all avenues of information from the church and then established their control over men. It took Martin Luther the great reformer who himself was a monk in the monastery to receive one spiritual light from God, “The just shall live by faith” to fight that evil, although almost at the cost of his life, to liberate the whole church world from that the dark age in the 15th century. Accurate information will deliver you from manipulation anytime. Go for it and you are off the hook of manipulation.
  • It Delivers from Manipulation: Oppression is one thing that angers God because he created man in His image. It is evil for a man to oppress his fellow man. Oppressors have one thing in common; they deny the oppressed the information they need to be free. Have you ever heard the statement, “Don’t ask questions, just do what I say”? That is one of the languages of an oppressor. God Almighty invites us to come reason with Him and in reasoning; you’ve got to ask questions. Yet men say you should not do that. Oppression can be spiritual and physical. But information kick starts a move of freedom from oppression. If you don’t know your constitutional right and privileges for example, you can be oppressed. This is why dubious policemen fear lawyers because they know they are in possession of information that makes them “un-oppressable”. No policeman should fear a lawyer normally because policemen are themselves law enforcement agents who are actually into partnership with lawyers. But some are dubious and so lawyers are a nightmare to them. Why? Information. Child of God, you can be free from oppression if you are determined. Just go for accurate information and a steam will be generated in your soul to fight for freedom.

If you don’t know what Christ did for you in redemption, demons can oppress you with anything and you will live with it. When oppressors see information driven men, they brand them as proud and arrogant. The church organization with oppressive leaders are the worst culprit of this. But don’t be discourage, go for right information and oppression will be over in your life. Do you know death is an oppressor? Scriptural information tells us that Abrahamic covenant has long life in it and no seed of Abraham should die without his knowledge of it and consent. So we don’t prepare for death, we prepare for eternity and you don’t have to die to enter eternity, after all some will be alive when rapture takes place. If you don’t know this, Satan can oppress you with death and you will accept it. Go for information if you will not die of oppression.

  • It makes You a Better Person: An uninformed man is a crude man, and nothing carries value in its crude state. Being informed makes you better person within the context of daily living. Getting information makes you reason better, do things more excellently, relate with life in an elevated way. Information will make a better version of you in life. This happens because your scope of knowledge is expanded, your horizon is broadened and your options are multiplied. Without this, you will be stuck in a stereotyped kind of life and become outdated. Refuse to be an outdated person, upgrade your life by investing in information and you will be better for it.
  • It makes You Serve Humanity Better: Every good man desires to serve humanity one way or the other. However, there are certain levels of services you cannot render until you are in possession of certain information. You love to help sick folks, yes. But getting information in medicine helps you do it better or else you will only be there sympathizing with them without being able to actively help them recover. Getting information empowers your good heart to actively express that goodness in it in a practical way. Every field of endeavor in life today that is contributing to the wellbeing of man is powered by information. Therefore strengthen your own platform to serve humanity by going for information in your area of aspiration so you can be actively involved in serving your generation.

Points to note

  1. Information is not an end in itself, but a means to an end.
  2. Oppressors always remove information from the oppressed.
  3. Information delivers a man from manipulation.
  4. You cannot serve humanity well you are informed.
  5. Information driven people are branded as arrogant by oppressive leaders.


Father, I refuse to be subjugated to oppression in life. I receive grace for making impact in my generation as you open me up to accurate information in life. I break free from every form of manipulation in my life today in Jesus’ Name.

Questions for Meditation

  1. Why do oppressors and manipulators hate information driven people?
  2. How does information deliver from oppression and manipulation?
  3. What role does information play in helping you serve humanity?

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